Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, Editors
Welcome to KairosCast!

KairosCast ran from August 2014 - November 2016
.KairosCast promotes original and challenging work exploring the possibilities afforded by audio and video media. We welcome submissions and proposals that engage the Kairos mission (rhetoric, technology, pedagogy and the intersections thereof), exist in primarily audio and/or video media, and do not obviously fall into other sections of the journal. For full submission guidelines to Kairos, including style guide and description of its sections, please see http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/submissions.html. You can read more about how to participate with KairosCast below.
We're excited to bring you this, our first episode of KairosCast. In it, we talk about what this new project is all about, where we hope it will take us, and, most importantly, how you can participate. We also chat with Doug Eyman and Cheryl Ball about their hopes for KairosCast, and we'll preview some interesting podcasts from other contributors. As we move forward, we'll be adding much more than audio, so keep coming back for DesignChats, Tutorials, Chatter... curious yet? The podcast is only the tip of the iceberg.
Below this episode, you'll find information for how to get involved with KairosCast, and we hope many of you will take us up on our invitation. You'll also find a few other goodies, including links to the podcasts we reference in the show and a full transcript for the episode. We hope you'll come back and visit this page often. Better yet, click the RSS link to the upper right to subscribe to all the content we release. Enjoy the episode, and drop us a line with your feedback.
Supplemental materials for Episode 1
- Full transcript (PDF, 151KB)
- YouTube playlist for Cheryl's Amtrak videos
- An example of a "supercut," from the X-Files
- PeoplePlaceThings podcast episode, "Rover"
- Plugs, Play, Pedagogy podcast episode, "Setting up Class"
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this week's guests:
- Cheryl Ball: @s2ceball
- Casey Boyle: @caseyboyle
- Doug Eyman: @eymand
- Nathaniel Rivers: @sophist_monster
- Kyle Stedman: @kstedman
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 1 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
1.1 - DesignChat
Our first DesignChat is here! This is a short video by Cheryl Ball explaining some of the rationale and processes in making a Prezi more rhetorically designed. After you watch the video below, check out the full webtext here.
1.3 - PeoplePlaceThings
Another podcast we're excited to share with you is PeoplePlaceThings, brought to us by Casey Boyle and Nathaniel Rivers. This first episode, "Rover," considers some fascinating discussion surrounding space exploration, paying particular attention to the rhetoric that contributes to the various ways we might wonder about life on Mars.
Our second episode is here! This means the first one wasn't a fluke. (And episode 3 starts production tomorrow--it's all happening!) We're excited about this content. The episode begins with some discussion from a few scholars about the recent ALS ice bucket challenge which, now that it's died down a bit, has given us a lot to think about. Also, we interview the producers of two of our syndicated podcasts. Kyle Stedman (Plugs, Play, Pedagogy) talks about getting started with podcasting and how he wants to use it as a practitioner who is "thinking out loud" about teaching with technology. Casey Boyle and Nathaniel Rivers (PeoplePlaceThings) describe how they came up with the idea for their show, how they approach rhetorical situations in it, and the role a good IPA plays in their process. You don't want to miss this.
Below this episode, we've added some links to references and resources, including KairosCast editor Harley Ferris's own ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video (which took a little bribery), so be sure to check those out. You can also connect with us on Twitter; we'd love to hear from you. We'd especially love to hear what you're producing, so drop us a line and tell us about it. If you have interviews, discussions, tutorials, or even just questions, send them our way.
Supplemental materials for Episode 2
- Full transcript (PDF, 349KB)
- ALS Association
- Harley's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video
- "'Fake' Sign Language Interpreter Marred Mandela Memorial": NPR
- The Culture Gabfest "Mmmmm... Simpsons" Edition: Slate
- "The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, how things go viral, and the neuroscience of mindfulness": The Torch
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this week's guests:
- Casey Boyle: @caseyboyle
- Brenda Brueggemann: @bjbrueggemann
- Paul Kei Matsuda: @pmatsuda
- Nathaniel Rivers: @sophist_monster
- Mary P. Sheridan: @MaryPTweet
- Kyle Stedman: @kstedman
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 2 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Third time's the charm? Either way, here it is. If you're interested in gaming, crafting, or other so-called hobbies and pastimes, you want to check out this episode. We talk about all things gaming with Samantha Blackmon and Alex Layne from Not Your Mama's Gamer, and we chat with a handful of guest editors for a special issue on Crafting and DIY Rhetorics from Harlot of the Arts. We also explore a few ways teachers are using game elements in their teaching, so even if you don't think this is your cup of tea, you might be surprised to learn about how our colleagues are reaping the benefits of gamified composition courses.
As usual, we have some references and resources below this episode, so be sure to scroll down for those. You'll also find Twitter names for some of our guests, so you can connect with us that way. We're still actively looking for your content, so if you have interviews, discussions, tutorials, or even just questions, send them our way.
Supplemental materials for Episode 3
- Full transcript (PDF, 357KB)
- Call for Submissions: Craft Rhetorics (Harlot)
- d i y / c r a f t * r h e t / c o m p
- Feminisms and Rhetoric Conference
- Games for Change
- Harlot of the Arts
- Maker Faire
- Not Your Mama's Gamer
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this week's guests:
- Amber Buck: @ambi24
- Alex Layne: @gamerlayne
- Kristi Prins: @kkprins
- Martha Webber: @write4action
- Samantha Blackmon: @saffista
- Not Your Mama's Gamer: @nymgamer
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 3 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Good things come in little packages! This month's episode is a short one; we're simply looking forward to 2015 and offering a gift for the Kairos community in the form of a song. We crowdsourced lyrics for a parody of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" themed around Kairos, and then we asked you to send us your own recordings singing and/or playing along. Moments are genius, and other moments are a beautiful mess. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we did putting it together.
And thus ends our first semester of KairosCast. We'll be storming the interwebs in January, and we're coming after you for content. It's time for those percolating ideas to brew, so think about how you can contribute to KairosCast in the coming year--an interview, a tutorial, a DesignChat, or a segment you'd like to know more about. We're here to serve you. Until then, be safe, be well, and have a wonderful break.
Supplemental materials for Episode 3
- Full transcript (PDF, 253KB)
- Download "The Twelve Days of Kairos" (MP3, 5MB)
- Get the ringtone! (M4R, 7.8MB)
For those on Twitter
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 4 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Aaaand we're back. It's been a cold winter break for some of us (and infuriatingly gorgeous for others of us), but we're happy to offer the first KairosCast episode of 2015. In this episode, we talk with Ryan Trauman about digital storytelling--what is it, and what is it good for? Then, Trauman interviews Ames Hawkins about a course they co-taught this January that put digital storytelling in service of art activism.
You can find some resources below that were mentioned in this episode, along with Twitter handles for our guests. And we're starting to get some external submissions like this one, so keep those coming. If you have interviews, discussions, tutorials, or even just questions, send them our way.
Supplemental materials for Episode 5
- Full transcript (PDF, 202KB)
- Joe Lambert's Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community (4th ed. Routledge, 2012)
- WeVideo
- Transom.org
- Adobe Premiere Elements
- Audacity
- Hindenburg Journalist
- Cowbird
- One Million Bones Project
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this week's guests:
- Ryan Trauman: @trauman
- Ames Hawkins: @amesthehawk
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 5 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The Computers & Writing Conference is just around the corner, and this is a conference very near and dear to many in the Kairos community. Not only does this episode look ahead to and discuss the conference, but your faithful KairosCast hosts will be there with digital recorders in hand! Courtney and Harley are co-leading a pre-conference workshop on the nuts and bolts of putting together podcasts and other sonic texts, as well as participating in a roundtable panel on Sunday about academic podcasting. When not busy with that, they'll be asking questions, conducting interviews, capturing soundscapes, and encouraging YOU to do the same. Bring a recorder, or just download an app to your phone, and join in the fun.
Also, we're happy to report that we've changed podcast hosts from Soundcloud to LibSyn, and you can now add KairosCast to your favorite RSS reader with the following URL: http://kairoscast.libsyn.com/rss. With any luck, you'll be able to find us in iTunes in the very near future. Enjoy the episode, and subscribe!Supplemental materials for Episode 6
- Full transcript (PDF, 254KB)
- Brian Croxall's ProfHacker article, "How to Hack a Conference (AKA Attend One Productively
- Computers and Writing Conference
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this week's guests:
- Brian Croxall: @briancroxall
- Ryan Trauman: @trauman
- Kris Blair: @cloudyc
- Michael Day: @mday666
- Cindy Selfe: @selfe2
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 6 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Happy new year, and happy 20th anniversay to Kairos! This episode is released with a special issue of Kairos, and we're delighted to bring you a packed episode with some fantastic segments discussing new and big ideas about how scholars are using technology in their research and teaching. We're also getting ready for some new content and changes around here, so listen and join us!
Perhaps the most exciting thing for us is the announcement that we are looking for applications for our first KairosCast fellow. This is a new, one-year renewable position created specifically to invite YOU to join the KairosCast team, to help produce content and support the KairosCast network. We're quite excited about the potential here, so if you've a mind to collaborate and work with sound in academic contexts, this might be the opportunity you've been waiting for. Download the call here (PDF, 98KB), and send us your application by 1 February.
We also feature the first of many conversations with Cydney
Alexis, and we'll be following her project #writinglandscapes as it
develops over the course of the next year. And she's inviting all of
you to participate. Here's a quick synopsis of the project from Cydney:
#writinglandscapes is a 365 (photo a day) project taking place on the social media site Instagram. Each day, I upload one photo--either mine or another person's--to my #writinglandscapes account. Through these photos, I am attempting to materialize the intellectual labor and material realities of being a writing studies scholar. Sometimes the photos capture the material culture and practices of writing; others try to visually represent ideas pursued by writing studies scholars. Contribute by tagging @writinglandscapes or using the #writescapes hashtag.
Also, as a reminder, you can now add KairosCast to your favorite RSS reader with the following URL: http://kairoscast.libsyn.com/rss. You can find us us in iTunes, and we're also now on Stitcher. Enjoy the episode, and subscribe!
Supplemental materials for Episode 7
Inertia Segment Links
- http://www.stephceraso.com/
- http://www.brunoruviaro.com/
- Inertia Conference
- Thanks to IFartInUrGeneralDirection, cajo, keweldog, jus, and digifishmusic, popcorn, IslaBonita, senorstudy, Leossum, juskiddink, LG, tweedledee3, schafferdavid, soundlandscapes, rickbuzzin, hinzebeat, sorohanro, and cliftonmccarleson for their CC-licensed sound recordings used in this segment.
#WriteScapes Segment Links
- WritingLandscapes on Instagram
- Rupi Kaur's Instagram page
- Cydney's Desk (JPG, 62KB)
- Courtney's Desk (JPG, 76KB)
- Harley's Desk (JPG, 1.5MB)
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this episode's guests:
- Steph Ceraso: @stephceraso
- Bruno Ruviaro: @brunoruviaro
- Cydney Alexis: @CydneyAlexis
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 7 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Additional CC-licensed music provided by Waterpistol, Matti Paalanen, Dayo, Davide Xr7, Akashic Records, and archive.org.
Kicking off year three of KairosCast (year three!), we make a happy introduction for a new member of the Kcast team: Lauren Neefe, our first Kcast fellow! Then we visit with Cydney Alexis to discuss the progression of her Instagram project, #writinglandscapes. We're switching up a few things this season, so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the great content we have in store. Add KairosCast to your favorite RSS reader with the following URL: http://kairoscast.libsyn.com/rss. You can also find us us in iTunes and on Stitcher.
Supplemental materials for Episode 8
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this episode's guests:
- Lauren Neefe: @laneefe
- Cydney Alexis: @CydneyAlexis
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 8 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Additional CC-licensed music provided by Speck, airtone, and rocavaco.
It's almost Thanksgiving, and we at KairosCast are especially thankful for smart people in our field who are willing to share their perspectives with us. In that spirit, we have a real Thanksgiving-week treat for you in the form of an interview with Karl Stolley, author of the widely-circulated webtext, "The Lo-Fi Manifesto." He talks about the original text, his recent "reboot" version, and some of the intersections between his tech and teaching.
Add KairosCast to your favorite RSS reader with the following URL: http://kairoscast.libsyn.com/rss. You can also find us us in iTunes and on Stitcher.
Supplemental materials for Episode 9
For those on Twitter
Get in touch with this episode's guest:
- Karl Stolley: @karlstolley
Follow our hosts, Courtney Danforth (@csdanforth) and Harley Ferris (@harleyferris) and Kairos itself (@kairosRTP).
Episode 9 Credits
KairosCast is produced by Courtney Danforth and Harley Ferris, distributed by Kairos, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
How to participate with KairosCast
In addition to independent audio and video texts, KairosCast welcomes contributions to our regular segments: Chats, Tutorials, Chatter, and CFPs.
- A KairosCast Chat involves recording and editing an informal conversation between members of the Kairos community (readers, authors, editors) about the creation, production, and engagement of scholarly webtexts such as those published by Kairos.
- A KairosCast Tutorial teaches specific tech and design skills that are useful in digital authorship. Some topics include metadata, file management, design for accessibility, CSS, and image optimization.
- To Chatter with KairosCast, listen for our prompts on the show and watch for them on the show page and Twitter (@kairosRTP). We'll put out a call, take contributions, and edit them into a collective response, and broadcast. Chatters are lowfi, quick, and casual by design. You can participate with nothing fancier than a phone.
- If you're organizing a conference, collections, special issue, symposium or something else you'd like the Kairos community to know about, we will gladly distribute your 30-60 second audio CFP.
KairosCast distributes affiliated podcasts on its stream. If you have a podcast you'd like to hear on our network, let us know! Our current wish list includes:
- women in rhetoric/writing studies/digital composition
- a scholarship roundtable
- comedy and rhetoric
but we're eager to hear from podcasts of all kinds!
Please contact the KairosCast Editors at kcast@technorhetoric.net with queries and submissions.
If you need help with audio recording...
...here are some tips to get you started.
- If you already know how to record a digital audio file using your phone or your computer's microphone or whatever--fantastic! Do it your way. Please capture the highest quality you're able.
- You can also record directly into Audacity (audacity.sourceforge.net/... it's free and multi-platform) using your computer and microphone.
- You might choose an app for your smartphone. There are many free or low-cost choices of app. Smart Voice Recorder is a popular option for Android; Voice Recorder is a popular choice for iOS. There are many apps available so choose one that fits your budget and technology and has high ratings.
- Please export your audio file as a lossless .flac or .wav if you can, please.
- If your contribution is more suited to video than audio--okay! Send us a link.
- Send your file to kcast@technorhetoric.com.
And of course, if you have questions, drop us a line--operators are standing by.