Student Name


Replace this graphic with a musical picture of yourself


This is a space to write your musical life history


The way you teach is strongly influenced by your values. Your values are determined partly by your family background and your personal experiences. By reflecting on these factors, you can better understand why you believe what you do about music teaching and learning. Also, by comparing your background to your students’ backgrounds, you can gain insight into why they think similarly or differently about things such as music, school, and learning in general.

Before writing this statement, take considerable time to reflect on your personal history and musical history. Please provide thoughtful answers to the areas outlined below, and be as personal as you feel comfortable being.

Your statement should utilize proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. The content of your statement should address the following:

Personal background
  • The setting in which you grew up - name of town, rural/urban/suburban, socioeconomic level of your neighborhood
  • Family members
  • Your schooling situation - size of high school, important school-related events
  • Significant personal and musical events in your life
  • Events that "stand out" such that you think they changed you as a result.
  • The emotional effects of such events, positive or negative
  • Assuming that many of these events occurred outside of school, any events that occurred  in school
  • Reasons for wanting to be a teacher
  • The most important factors in your decision to become a teacher
  • Noteworthy teachers (music or otherwise) who taught you
  • Other important role models
  • Negative role models
  • Preparing to teach
  • Imagine you are a first year teacher (you will be very soon!), standing in front of a group of students. How does it make you feel? Confident? Nervous? What do you know you will do well? What worries you?
  • Imagine standing in front of the same group of students tomorrow! How does that make you feel?
  • What do you need to learn about to prepare yourself to become a good teacher? In what college classes do you think you will gain this knowledge?
  • What types of experiences will you need to have in college to become a good teacher?
