Understanding: Forerunners

We could also compare template systems with earlier tools for creation or re-creation:

  • Cross-stiching or paint-by-numbers
  • Rhetoric's commonplaces
  • Signposted "recommended photopoints"

Although there are important similarities between these phenomena and template authoring, there are also many differences.


The act of authoring by combining prewritten templates with one's own new parts is a special kind of communication that came about with the personal computer.


Lev Manovich is the one that has best captured what is unique in this form of digital media creation with his characterization of "new" (that is, digital) media creation as variable and with his notion of creativity-as-selection.


Manovich puts us in a position where we can see that prescripts are an absolute necessity for computer creativity. But this also implies that a "computer literate" is one who realizes that prescripts are necessary and limiting at the same time, and that a different tool or a different template will not free him or her from prescripts, but just bring other prescripts.

Next chapter: Prescripts and Digital Literacy >>